Friday 15 August 2014

I8: 300,000 euros per car sold for advertising costs


It’s a well-known fact that the advertising of a new products is pricey but 300,000 per car sold…really?

According to the German trade journal Advertising and sell, BMW has invested around 16.6 million euros in 2014- just for the first half of the year all on the i8!

There has been 55 of the i8’s sold which equates to 301,818 Euros per car sold! The i8 is still in prosecution although production remains limited due to the volume constraints at the production factory. The number of i8’s sold is still said to be on the increase and is expected to increase dramatically in the next few months with the release in the US Market.

 We wish BMW all the best with the i8 sales and we’re hoping to have one soon too but can you really justify 300,000 on advertising per car? 

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